Health Accompaniment

Over the years as neighbors have experienced health challenges, a Collins Streamside neighboring practice has been to accompany people through their medical journey. Streamside member Suzanne Fontanesi is a nurse practitioner with long experience in oncology and hospice nursing. Eden Coughlin is a licensed massage therapist.

When Jill was sick with cancer in the hospital for several months, Collins Streamside community rallied to provide support. Yvonne moved into Michael and Jill’s house to be with their daughter while Jill was in the hospital and Michael staying with her. A different Streamside member would come to the hospital each evening so that Michael could go home, check in on his daughter. Cilia would prepare a meal for the family of whoever was going to the hospital that night. Eden provided Jill with massage. Susan coordinated with St. Bartholomew’s church and other friends who provided meals for Jill and Michael’s family. The whole community accompanied Jill in countless other ways until her death in 2016.

Another neighbor who lived in the Irvington Woods Apartments at the top of the street developed a rare nervous system disorder that caused her intense pain and required frequent and complex treatments. Suzanne and Jill accompanied her to doctor’s appointments, helped get pharmacy prescriptions filled, and provided emotional support for her treatment, and provided respite care, hosting her daughter for several weeks during a particularly difficult time in her treatment. This is the kind of neighboring that goes on in Irvington and across Baltimore City all the time. It is not anything exceptional —just being a good neighbor.

On another occasion, Collins Streamside provided a “spa day” for several neighbors who were feeling worn out from single parenting and managing economic challenges, providing childcare, massage, and time for mindfulness and relaxation.