What brought us here? What keeps us here?

Collins Streamside Community members came to Collins Ave. for a variety of reasons, at different stages of life and from different backgrounds of race, religion, ethnicity (to name just a few) and widely varying life experiences. Member live in different households but share a variety of resources, from common weekly meals to shared labor to child care to transportation, etc. The community is intentionally flexible about the level of participation; the specific participation in any activity is up to individual members. The community is also intentionally open; any residents of the neighborhood can become involved as much as they desire, and some friends of the community who live outside the neighborhood also participate in a variety of ways.

Anteneh, Jill, Michael, Christina, Mulugeta

Anteneh, Jill, Michael, Christina, Mulugeta

Michael and Jill





Gary and Eden

Suzanne and Jeff


Steve and Cynthia

Ulysses and Chryssalin

