Working for Peace


Deepening our understanding

Collins Streamside hosted professor and author Prof. Rebecca Adelman, Associate Professor of Media and Communication Studies at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. In her recent book, Figuring Violence: Affective Investments in Perpetual War, Prof. Adelman describes the ways in which various beings – civilian children, military children, military spouses, veterans, Guantánamo detainees, and even dogs caught up in war – are shaped or “figured,” along with our affective responses to them, through the media.

Collins Streamside members Gary Ashbeck and Eden Coughlin came to Collins Ave. from Jonah House, where they were active in a variety of peace actions.


Collins Streamside members participate in advocacy for peace. For example, Jeff Ross and Suzanne Fontanesi, and Gary Ashbeck, with others, recently sent a letter to Archdioces of Maryland requesting that they divest from companies implicated in weapons production. The letter reads in part:

“We write for the purpose of engaging with the Archdiocese in a conversation about its financial investment practices and policies. We write as members of parishes in the Archdiocese, as parents of children in Archdiocesan schools, and as Catholics seeking to follow the non-violent Christ. The end we seek, directly stated, is to ensure that the Archdiocese and the parishes and schools it supports and guides do not profit from investments in the weapons industry.”


Jeff and Suzanne participated with others in a fast and public action at the Basilica of The Assumption June 19-21 to highlight their petition to the Archdiocese to divest from the weapons industry and to request a response to their letter.